The U.S. Bill of Rights confers various privileges and entitlements to the citizenry. These include the right to privacy and enjoyment of your property. Thus, having anyone invade your property for whatever reason, even if that individual is a government employee like...
Year: 2023
Does engaging in estate administration create personal financial liability?
Estate administration is a major personal responsibility. An individual agrees to carry out someone else's last wishes. They attend probate court hearings, locate personal assets and distribute property in accordance with someone's will. That process might require...
The importance of estate planning for new parents
Becoming a new parent is a life-changing event that is often marked by joy, excitement and a fair share of new responsibilities. Amid the whirlwind of welcoming a new child, estate planning might not be at the forefront of your mind, but it's an essential task that is...
Can you turn to avoid a DUI checkpoint?
A DUI checkpoint is just a location where the police are stopping every driver who comes through the checkpoint. Many drivers just present their identification and go on their way. But some will be stopped for further investigation if the police believe that they are...
Top reasons that estate disputes occur
Estate disputes can arise for various reasons, leading to conflicts between specific family members and/or beneficiaries. Oftentimes, disputes happen when there is no estate plan in place. Family members may have to work together to make decisions in the wake of a...
3 reasons a beneficiary might file a lawsuit against an executor
The relationship between beneficiaries and executors is pivotal in probate and estate management. An executor plays a pivotal role, from managing assets to resolving outstanding debts. However, disputes can arise when the beneficiary perceives a deviation from the...
Why a DIY will is not a good idea
There are many positives to technology which include gaining easy access to information. This includes information in the area of estate planning. There are websites dedicated to providing will templates and much more so that you can take a DIY approach to estate...
Who might exert undue influence on an estate plan?
The role of the probate courts is often supervisory. They help ensure that the personal representative of an estate properly fulfills their responsibilities. They also review and ensure the payment of creditor claims and guide the distribution of resources when...
3 things to know about Miranda warnings
Almost everybody in the United States has some idea of what it means to be “read their rights,” or receive a Miranda warning. In essence, the Miranda warning is just a formal reminder that, among other things, you have the right against self-incrimination and that if...
How is estate administration handled when multiple wills exist?
One common challenge that arises in estate administration is when multiple wills exist. This scenario can add a layer of complexity to an already intricate process. Estate administration involves managing and distributing a deceased person’s assets and debts according...